We like getting our hands dirty!

We created PoggioLecci to have a real experience of nature. This entails respecting nature and its different timing: slower, unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable.


Managing our estate the organic way was not a choice: we could not have done it otherwise.


The fertilization process uses green manuring of leguminous plants and other natural organic products, that don’t push the growth of plants more than needed, but enrich the soil slowly but surely year after year.


We don’t use pesticide or herbicide: we don’t want to pollute the air, water or land and we don’t want our children or workers to potentially breath or touch dangerous substances. For you organic agriculture is also a guarantee that what you eat is as natural as possible.

We combat the insects that damage the leaves and fruits with natural filters made with white clay and copper powder, or with traps that trigger hormonal confusion.


All our estate is organic, but around us all other farms are not: we thus use natural screens as hedges of Mediterranean bushes and trees to protect ourselves from their products.


To bring an organic product to your tables, our entire production process is organic: from the plant to the bottle.

All our estate is organic, there is no barrel of olive oil that is not organic, all the bottles that come out of our estate have the organic certificate on the label.